A New Chapter Begins: The Journey

Tomorrow marks a significant milestone for me and my youngest child. She heads to middle school, and I officially commence the journey to entrepreneurship. As the final day of summer vacation is here, we find ourselves on the precipice of this new chapter. It’s with loads of excitement, a heaping spoonful of nerves, and a sprinkle of apprehension, that we embark on this journey together. A journey that is sure to hold self-discovery, forging new friendships, rediscovering old bonds, and embracing the challenges ahead. As with all change, we are experiencing an array of emotions as we prepare to step into our new roles. I’m writing this today to process these emotions as well as to shed light on the fact that these feelings are normal. You are NOT alone if you are living this roller coaster as you head into a new chapter in your own life. Let’s unpack these feelings together.


This last week has been a whirlwind of anticipation. My baby’s mind has been racing with questions all week: What classes do I have? Who are my teachers? Where do I go on the first day? Will the classes be harder? What if I get lost? Will my friends be in my pod?

I’ve done my best to answer her questions and ease her fears, but I still feel her uncertainty. Heck, I still feel my own uncertainty. I have my own questions. About her journey into middle school and my own journey into being a health and wellness coach.

Have I done enough to equip her and myself for what lies ahead? Do I lead by example? Have I taught her to be a leader and have a mind of her own? Am I a leader? Have I taught her to question if something doesn’t feel right? Does she know she can come to me if she is feeling lost or overwhelmed by it all? Do my potential clients know the same? I think I know the answers to these questions, but do we ever really know?

Change. It brings out all the insecurities, doesn’t it? I’m sure you can relate this to an experience you have had in your own life. My point is, despite the lingering sense of the unknown, there’s an underlying excitement in the air as well. My daughter and I are envisioning the opportunity to explore, learn, and expand our horizons beyond what we feel comfortable with at this moment.

Is it scary? Without a doubt! Is it also exciting? You bet it is!


Alongside the anticipation and excitement, is a nervousness that tugs at our heartstrings and plays tricks in our minds. Stepping into unfamiliar territory can be daunting. Exhausting even. We both share worries about finding our way, remembering what we have learned, and the ability to learn new things while adapting to changing expectations and roles. Let’s not forget the fear of being judged and not being accepted. This can quickly lead into a downward spiral so….

Let’s also remind ourselves that every middle schooler, new entrepreneur, and anyone experiencing a big change, has likely experienced similar emotions. There is strength in numbers, and we are not alone! I can tuck my baby in tonight and lay my head on my pillow knowing we will indeed make it through this. It may be rough at times, but we have each other.

This may be a good time to talk about self-care. When big changes are happening, it’s important to take extra good care of ourselves. If you missed my recent blog Revitalize and Thrive: The Ultimate Guide to Self-care, you can read it here for some ideas.

Saying goodbye to old comforts

As my daughter and I prepare for our new endeavors, we can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness.

Elementary school was a place of comfort, familiarity, and close-knit friendships. My past careers are filled with the same.

Leaving behind a nurturing and predictable environment can be bittersweet but also necessary for our growth. It would be impossible to become who we dream of becoming if we always stayed the same.

Today we will reflect on the memories we have come to cherish, the teachers and colleagues who have inspired us, and the friends who are always by our sides. In short, we will do our best to come to terms with the natural progression towards our personal growth.

Embracing Independence

Middle school and entrepreneurship signify a new level of independence for both of us.

My daughter looks forward to having more freedom, making more decisions for herself, and taking on greater responsibilities. I look forward to the freedom of a healthier lifestyle, a better work/life balance, and helping people create that kind of transformation in their own lives.

We relish the opportunity to choose our own paths, manage our own schedules, and become more self-reliant. With some practice and with each passing day, we will gain confidence in our abilities to navigate the road ahead.

Setting Goals

As we begin this new learning experience, we contemplate our aspirations and begin to set goals for the year ahead. I plan to sit down today and jot down a few goals for the rest of this year. If my baby girl is willing, I will encourage her to do the same. She is eleven though, so she may have an eye roll up her sleeve.

I may not know the intricate details of my daughters’ goals, but I do know we both dream of achieving excellence, participating in new activities, and making a positive impact in our school and community.

New endeavors of any kind offer a fresh canvas where one can explore their passions, discover new talents, and cultivate a renewed sense of purpose. I invite you to set some new goals along with us!

Call to action

As the first day of middle school and the opening day of my coaching business comes to be, my daughter and I are a vulnerable mess of emotions. A blend of trepidation and determination. Tomorrow marks uncharted territory, but we have equipped ourselves as best we can and are as ready as we will ever be to embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

Tomorrow represents an incredible opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and the forging of new and possibly lifelong friendships. Let’s navigate the halls of this new chapter together.

Craving a change in your life? Not sure where to begin on the road to a healthier lifestyle? Let’s start a new journey together. Contact me here. Let me know what you are working toward in your message.

Wishing you much love, health, and happiness,


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