Supercharge Your Immunity: 8 Simple Strategies

It’s that time of year again when maintaining a robust immune system becomes an essential part of daily living. Putting in the extra effort is important because a stronger immune system is better equipped to protect you against illness and contributes to better health overall. Fortunately, there are a few simple strategies to give you the boost you need. Read on to see what steps you can take to thrive this season.

1. Prioritize a Well-Balanced Nutrition Plan:

It’s no secret that a well-balanced diet provides the essential nutrients that act as the foundation of a strong immune system. What does that mean for each of you exactly?  It means:

First, consume a rainbow each day consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Next, choose foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as minerals like zinc and selenium. Finally, limit foods that can weaken your immune system such as, processed foods like refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

Need some meal prep ideas to get you on track with your goals? Check out my post on Simplify Nutrition: Simplify Your Life

2. Stay Hydrated:

Much like eating, water is a key aspect of our daily lives that plays a big role in supporting our immune system. Water helps flush out toxins, maintain optimal organ function, and facilitates the delivery of nutrients throughout the body.  Make it a point to consume 8 8oz glasses of water per day to remain adequately hydrated and enhance your body’s defense mechanisms.

3. Get Sufficient Sleep:

This is a big one that a lot of us overlook, including myself! Good quality sleep is crucial for immune function and overall health. During sleep, your body is given the opportunity to rest, repair and rejuvenate.  Without proper sleep the body’s ability to fight off pathogens is weakened, and your health will suffer when sleep is compromised. My advice is to establish a consistent sleep routine where you go to bed and wake up at consistent times. Also, shoot for 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to give your immune system the rest it needs to function optimally.

4. Participate in Regular Exercise:

Regular physical activity improves circulation, reduces stress, helps manage weight, and enhances production of immune cells.  All of these things add up to exceptional immune function.  Exercise sessions don’t have to be long and grueling to reap these benefits either.  Walking for 30 minutes a day is great!  The key is to engage in activities you enjoy! For me that means walking outdoors, weight training, dancing, yoga, and Pilates. I like variety so I don’t get bored.

Missed my post about fall fitness ideas? Check it out here.

5. Manage Your Stress:

This one is easier said than done at times, but chronic stress has a negative impact on the body’s immunity.  This in turn will make you more susceptible to illness. I recommend incorporating meditation, deep breathing exercises, massage, journaling, and/or engaging in your favorite hobbies regularly to combat stress in a healthy way. Stress management techniques like these help you prioritize self-care and find positive outlets to relieve your stress.  This can significantly bolster your immune response.

6. Maintain Proper Hygiene:

Practicing good hygiene helps to prevent the spread of germs.  Washing your hands regularly, especially before meals and after restroom use, will do wonders for your health. In addition to hand washing, keeping a clean home, especially surfaces used for prepping food or high traffic areas like phones, light switches, and doorknobs, will also limit your exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses.

I have always been a strong believer in changing clothes after work/school and showering in the evening to cleanse yourself of outside germs before getting into bed at night. It’s not the norm I know, but we rarely get sick and when we do, we aren’t down long. If you find yourself getting sick often it may be worth a try. Avoiding close contact with people who are sick is also a great way to protect yourself.

7. Socialize:

This may not seem like an obvious one, however, engaging in an active social life boosts emotional well-being and reduces stress which indirectly strengthens your immune system. Group activities like book club, spending time with loved ones over a home cooked meal, and pursuing group hobbies like a dance, yoga, or cooking class can have a positive impact on your overall health and immune response. However, be sure to balance your social life with the other aspects of taking care of your body.  Too much of a good thing can become a stressor if you are not careful. It’s all about moderation and finding your unique formula for balancing your healthy habits and life in general.

8. Consider Supplements:

A healthy nutrition plan should be the main source of essential nutrients; however, certain supplements can reinforce immune function.  Supplements to consider are vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and/or probiotics. I also love elderberry syrup this time of year, but it can have adverse effects if you have autoimmune disease. As with all things health related, please discuss supplements of any kind with your doctor. Your physician will help you determine if supplements are right for you and your specific needs.

Let’s Recap: 

Protecting your body against illness this time of year takes a resilient immune system. A little effort on your part will go a long way. Incorporating these 8 powerful tips into your daily routine will not only fortify your immune system but it will be the foundation to a much healthier YOU! Remember, small daily habits can reap significant results, so start implementing at least one of these habits today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.

Upcoming Events:

Need some accountability on your health journey?

Sign up for my 30 day Thriving Through the Holidays challenge starting on Sun Oct 22nd and running through Mon Nov 20th. Cost will be $30 per person. I will give a $5 discount to each person who invites a friend. If your friend wants a discount too, they can invite someone as well.

The purpose of this challenge?

*Establish healthier habits (whatever that may be for you) in the 4 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving

* Accountability for individual goals set

* Get our minds in a positive state before the craziness of the season

* Prepare our homes ready for the holidays/guests

* Set ourselves up for success in the kitchen

* Move more

* Head into the holidays feeling healthy, organized, and ready to conquer the season

More details coming next week! In the meantime, email me to let me know you are interested and share your 3 biggest health struggles leading up to the holidays.

Share this post on your social media to help me get the word out and follow me on my social media platforms to stay in the know.

Wishing you much love, health, and happiness,


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