[Part 1] Easy Home Detox to Get Your Hormone Health on Track

Spring has sprung! In my home that means some spring-cleaning efforts are about to begin. This year I’m encouraging you to upgrade your cleaning routine to get your hormone health on track with this easy home detox.

As a woman over 40, hormones have become a hot topic in my world. Therefore, I’m passionate about helping other women navigate healthier choices to help balance them naturally. Unfortunately, the chemical overload that we place on our bodies daily is wreaking havoc, causing everything from mood swings to weight gain.

However, there are ways you can empower yourself and take control. I will show you how in this 2-part series. This week you’ll learn how detoxifying your home (part 1) can help restore hormonal balance. Next week the focus will be on personal care products (part 2). Let’s dive into eliminating toxins from your living space and substituting with cleaner alternatives.

Understanding Hormone Disruptors:

Before diving into our step-by-step home detox, let’s first wrap our brains around what hormone disruptors actually are and where they lurk. Hormone disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system. This system is a collection of glands that regulate hormones and send messages to your organs via the circulatory system. Consequently, when too many toxic chemicals are present in the body this can disrupt the production, release, transport, metabolism, binding action, and/or elimination of hormones causing hormone imbalances.

Regrettably, these disruptors are rampant in our environment, and can be found in common household items such as cleaning products, personal care items, and even food. This week I am going to focus on household cleaning products.

Home Detox:

Step 1: Take Inventory

Take a look at what you use in your home on a regular basis and make a list of the items you would like to replace. I suggest looking under every sink in your home, examining your laundry room, and maybe even the garage. Remember, this is a process, try not to get overwhelmed. You don’t have to do it all at once, although you can if you feel motivated to do so.

Step 2: Research Home Detox

Set aside some time in the near future, say 30-60 minutes to explore www.EWG.org to understand the biggest risks in your home. Get rid of the worst culprits now and determine to phase the rest out over a set timeframe, say within the next 6 months to 1 year.

Step 3: Find Alternatives

Alternatively, there are lots of green cleaners out there to choose from but be aware and do your research. I rely on the EWG app and Norwex to keep my home safe and clean. There are also many DIY recipes to keep costs down. Ultimately, you have to do what is best for you and your family.

Sidenote: Norwex just announced yesterday that they are having a 10% off sale (for a limited time). If you want to check them out you can do so here. I have been using their products as a consultant since 2015 and I’m one satisfied customer! Their microfiber cloths are infused with silver and make cleaning a majority of my home with just water a breeze. They save be time, money and keep my family safe and healthy. But don’t take my word for it, check out the video below.

Norwex Microfiber Explained

Step 4: Phase Out

Begin to phase out your products slowly so it’s not overwhelming. Of course, the faster you get through it, the quicker the burden on your body is lifted, but I understand that may not be realistic. Begin the phase out process by eliminating 1-2 products. Then aim to replace something each time you run out of the more toxic version until you’ve completed a full home detox.

Detoxifying your home is an essential first step towards improving hormonal balance and overall health. By eliminating hormone disruptors from your living space and opting for natural, eco-friendly alternatives, you can create a safer environment for you and your family.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series coming out next week. This is where we’ll explore how evaluating your personal care products can further support hormonal harmony.

Speaking of hormone health, if you are struggling and need some support through your menopause journey check out my 6-week Menopause Mastery Challenge (MMC). The next session begins on Monday April 1st. In the meantime, you may be interested in this blog post all about getting fit after 40. Enjoy and happy spring!

Wishing you much love, health, and happiness,


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